West Coast Baptist College
When you give a gift to West Coast Baptist College, you are touching lives in this generation and beyond.
This allows us to operate without government approval of our curriculum, staffing, and even beliefs.
As our society moves further away from biblical values, our desire is to invest in students who will confront secularism with a Christian worldview.
School fees alone do not cover the real cost of a West Coast Baptist College education. No part of fees goes towards the construction of new buildings nor does WCBC use any government funds for such developments. Your gifts will help sustain Christian education by keeping tuition affordable and providing for the educational needs of West Coast Baptist College students.
Your gift to the General Fund provides for the everyday needs and expenses of WCBC. Gifts to the General Fund are unrestricted gifts allowing you to support the ongoing educational ministry at West Coast Baptist College.
Establishing a general institutional endowment is vital to the continued success of our students. Its purpose is to freeze the current tuition structure to continue providing low tuition rates.
Tax deductible donations will build new facilities and enhance existing ones to ensure that our students enjoy the best possible environment. Our current need includes remodeling our campus fitness facilities and relocating them to the south side of campus.
The Student Assistance Fund makes a WCBC education possible for qualified students who want to be part of a Christian college where they can be challenged academically and thrive spiritually. Your gift will directly benefit students.
The Don Sisk Scholarship funds will be given annually to missions majors who are in need of financial help. We sincerely hope that you will pray about sending a gift to this scholarship fund to help us honor Dr. Sisk for his sixty years of faithful ministry.